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Rahu ke Upay | Rahu Remedies | Rahu Mantra

Rahu ke Upay | Rahu Remedies | Rahu Mantra

  • February 24, 2022
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Rahu is the north lunar node (ascending). It is a “shadow planet” that causes eclipses and in astrology deemed as negative source of issues.Ketu has similar properties as Rahu. Rahu has no physical shape. It is an imaginary planet but considering the importance of Rahu in astrology, it has been given the status of the planet by Rishis. Rahu ke upay bahot zaroori hain kyunki der hone se mushkilein badh skti hain.

In the horoscope of any person, the position of Rahu matters because it is believed for sorrow, fear, worry, sinful deeds, etc. Due to the dosha of the planet Rahu, there are often all types of obstacles in the life of a person. A person who is affected by Rahu dosha is often suffering from insomnia, stomach disorders, brain related diseases and mental worries. Aise insaan ko rahu ko shant karne ke upay istemaal karne padte hain. Due to the dosha associated with Rahu, a person often becomes lazy and uninterested in his/her life. Later in the essay, we will dive into the rahu remedies that will help you remove dosha.

It is considered as a malefic planet in Vedic Astrology but, on the other hand, when Rahu acts like a functional benefit planet for a specific birth chart, it brings rise and success in one’s life. This all depends case to case. In most cases, Rahu is unhappy which brings negative moments. It gives success in politics and photography work. If it is favourable for you, it will bring high rise in your life as well as grants revolutionary mindset. It is the planet of politics that gives boon to your political career also. There are rahu remedies that you should try and see the results yourself. People who work in IT sector must perform rahu remedies.

Rahu Dosha Remedies

  • Praying and worshipping Rahu’s deity Goddess Durga will please Rahu and will regulate the negative effects. Regularly chant the mantra – “Om Durgaye Namaha” 108 times every Wednesday. It will fortify the person to face the troubles caused by Rahu.
  • Try donating things. Like donate products related to Rahu, such as copper or black sesame seeds on Saturdays to receive the auspicious Rahu’s blessings. These donations can make a significant impact. Donate to a temple or to an underprivileged person. Donating Rahu foods like garlic, onion and mustard oil can bring down the ill effects of Rahu and increase the planet’s energy.
  • To reap the benefits of a positive Rahu, chant the Vedic rahu mantra – “Om Kayana kshachitra Aabhuv Dooni Sada Budhah Sakhah Kaya Shachi shthya Vrata” 108 times or more in a day.
  • Practise meditation during Rahu Kaal every day because it will help in bringing down the ill effects in your horoscope.
  • Since black and blue are the colours associated with Rahu, donating black blankets to the poor is one of the best ways to appease Rahu.
  • Donate black and blue clothes to underprivileged people.
  • Start wearing blue colour clothes in your routine.
  • Wear an 8 faced Rudraksha to achieve 8 manifestations. 
  • You can fast on Saturday and are recommended to eat after sunset.
  • Store water in the south direction as it will improve your Rahu position.
  • Add a cup of milk in bucket and bathe for 43 consecutive days and see a positive effect in your life.
  • Respect your elderly family members such as father in-law, maternal grandparents and sick people.
  • Do not consume liquor or non-vegetarian food as they attract negative energies.
  • Take good care of street dogs or you can pet a dog.
  • On the eve of Naag panchami, install a small silver snake statue in a temple as it will reduce the problems related to Rahu.
  • Do Shiv Sadhana daily and offer bilva leaves and dhatura on shivling.

Moreover, Prayer is the best way to connect your soul with the almighty. Prayer makes you grounded and you feel the power seeping into your life. Prayer is like your request to the God to heal you, to keep your morale high and give you strength to overcome all the challenges that you are facing in life. Once you start praying devotionally, you will feel that positive effect. If you pray, it gives you hope and power to fulfill your deeds with sincerity.

For Rahu, you can worship Goddess Durga or Shri Varaha Avatar of Lord Maha vishnu. You can also worship Lord Bhairav. By appeasing them, you would enjoy favourable conditions of Planet Rahu. Apart from that, reciting Shri Durga Chalisa would also be a good Rahu remedy. Rahu Pooja Online.

Rahu Ki Mahadasha Ke Upay in Hindi

राहु की दशा

  • राहु की हालत 18 वर्ष है।
  • आगमन राहु पर, व्यक्ति एक शहद बन गया। राहु दिखाई देंगे। यह एक गुब्बारा की तरह है, जो अधिक घिरा हुआ है, जबकि इसमें कुछ भी नहीं है।
  • राहु एक बाहरी और फिल्टर का मतलब है कि सूर्य में नहीं है।
  • राहु को एक विषाक्त, राजनीतिक, जहरीला, धोखाधड़ी, प्रक्रिया, सट्टा, लॉटरी, आपराधिक रुझान, गुप्त विज्ञान, जादू, झूठ, अस्थमा, वायु से संबंधित बीमारियों, संक्रमण, संक्रमण और सभी प्रकार के दुर्घटनाओं को माना जाता है।
  • राहु भी अधिक प्रशंसकों को बनाता है तो समस्याएं पैदा करते हैं।
  • राहु की हालत और बातचीत को स्वच्छता पर अधिक ध्यान देना चाहिए, क्योंकि राहु एक सांप है।
  • राहु, जो ऊपर प्रसारित करता है, जहर का डर है। विषाक्तता कम या अधिक हो सकती है। राहु एक जहर कारक है, यही कारण है कि जंगल या झाड़ियों को नहीं जाना चाहिए। कीड़े और मच्छरों आदि से बनाए रखा जाना चाहिए।
  • राहु में भी राजनीतिक कारक हैं। रुध और इसके प्रभावों की स्थिति के आधार पर कुंडली हुई।
  • जब राहु का प्रभाव घर आया, तो यह गटर लाइन में प्रवेश करना शुरू कर दिया।
  • राहु स्वास्थ्य के लिए कभी अच्छा नहीं था, क्योंकि उसके पास टोक्सिन था। जिनके पास राहु की स्थिति है, वे इस बीमारी से सतर्क रहेंगी।
  • राहु ने खाद्य विषाक्तता, दस्त, कैंसर और आकस्मिक दुर्घटनाओं को बनाने में एक प्रमुख भूमिका निभाई।
  • यह देखा गया है कि दवाओं को खाने की प्रतिक्रिया का डर बढ़ रहा है।
  • राहु के प्रभाव में, खाद्य विषाक्तता का खतरा तैर जाएगा।
  • राहु की वजह से, कुछ प्रकार की एलर्जी का भी सामना करना पड़ता है।
  • वर्तमान में डर एक यूरिन संक्रमण में वृद्धि होगी।
  • राहु ने एक गुट्टा को प्रेरित किया।
  • मलेरिया भी राहु से हो सकता है।

राहु की दशा के उपाय

  • पीने के पानी की सफाई को जागरूक माना जाना चाहिए। पानी या उबले हुए फ़िल्टर करके। जब तक राहु बैक्टीरिया से प्रभावित होता है जो इन लोगों को नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है।
  • बसि भोजन इसे नहीं खाना चाहिए।
  • राहु की समस्या से बचने के लिए, कई बाथटब्स होना चाहिए।
  • चंदन को इत्र होना चाहिए, क्योंकि राहु एक सांप है और सांप का जहर पक्ष सैंडलवुड को प्रभावित नहीं करता है, ‘चंदन जहर भुजंग में लपेटा नहीं गया है।
  • हाथों और पैरों को दूर रखें, खाने से पहले अपने हाथ धोएं।
  • चंदन को साबुन और पाउडर का उपयोग करना चाहिए, राहु शांत है।
  • मच्छरों और मक्खियों को रोकने के लिए प्रभावी कदम उठाएं।
  • एक जंगली कुत्ते की रोटी या रोटी दें, न खाने को भी न खाएं।
  • यदि आप गुटखा या तंबाकू इत्यादि का उपभोग करते हैं। तुरंत रुकें, क्योंकि राहु भी एक कैंसर कारक है।

राजायोग फैक्टर राहु

यदि राहु एक सकारात्मक पौधे और एक सकारात्मक घर में है, तो यह बहुत विकासशील है।

राहु शांति चिकित्सा

कोप राहु को खुश करने के लिए, भगवान शंकर को पूजा करनी चाहिए और उसके गले में अवशोषित होना चाहिए।

Rahu Mantra in Hindi

राहु एक छाया ग्रह है। राहु मंत्र को तनाव को कम करने के लिए गाना चाहिए। … राहु बीज मंत्र – ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः।। विधि – रात में इस जादू को 108 बार गाएं।

Mantra for Rahu Remedies

Mantras have good importance in Vedic Astrology since ancient times. Every Mantra creates a specific vibration that empowers a person with loads of positivity and the powerful energy of the deity related to that specific planet. Mantra Chanting is a very effective and easy way to appease your planets, however; a correct pronunciation of words is a must. Apart from that, to reach ultimate state, you should chant the mantra in specified numbers.

To avoid evil effects of Planet Rahu or to calm it down, you should recite Rahu Beej Mantra, i.e. “Aum Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah!”

You should chant this mantra for 18000 times. As per Desh-Kaal-Patra Siddhanta, the same should be chant 4 times of 18000 in Kalyuga, so you should chant Rahu Beej Mantra for 72000 times. Be clear about your pronunciation.

You can also chant other mantra of Rahu, i.e. “Aum Ram Rahave Namah!”

Rahu Gemstones

Gemstones have been around since ancient times. Our divine earth has natural sources of minerals. Those minerals and crystals have some mysterious powers, healing qualities and spiritual meanings. These are called Gemstones or birthstones and can either be expensive precious, or semi-precious gemstones. Gemstones are being used since ancient times by various kings and royal people. Every planet combines with a specific gemstone that helps us in balancing the effect of that planet upon us.

For Rahu planet, you should wear Hessonite Gemstone in a silver ring in your middle finger on Wednesday during Rahunak shatras. Before you buy this gemstone, you are suggested to visit an expert because he/she will tell you more about rahu remedies.

Buy Rahu Yantra, Locket And Rudraksha Mala Online

Future Point Brass Sri Rahu Yantra

rahu yantra
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The Rahu Yantra is a sacred instrument made up of numbers organised in a symmetrical pattern that resonates with planet Rahu’s powers and positive vibrations. The Yantra is like a miniature painting. On Amazon.in, you can get Future Point Brass Shri Rahu Yantra (Gold) at a low price in India.

Rudra Centre Rahu Yantra Locket – Copper

rahu locket
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This antique copper locket features a yantra on one side and a deity portrait on the other. The yantra would be strung on a thread that could be adjusted. Hidden foes, incorrect diagnosis of illness, deception from those around us, and harmful energy are all prevented by the Rahu Yantra.

Natural Seed Beads Silver Plated Rudraksha Mala for Unisex

Rudraksha Mala
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Rudraksh is a natural gemstone that has both physical and mental benefits. Silver capping beads, size 108, 5-6 mm 5 mukhi silver capping pendants ranging in size from 20 to 24mm. Buy now on Amazon.in.

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