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Surya narayan panda Surya narayan panda

Surya narayan panda

  • overall 20+ year experience
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Acharya Surya Narayan Panda is a renowned astrologer with an experience of more than 20 years in the field of Vedic astrology. His ares of specialization are numorology, vastu sastra, face reading, matchmaking, kp astrology.

“Surya narayan panda” Locations

Surya narayan panda Surya narayan panda

Surya narayan panda

  • Plot no 316 5468 niladrivihar
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

About “Surya narayan panda”

Acharya Surya Narayan Panda is a renowned astrologer with an experience of more than 20 years in the field of Vedic astrology. His ares of specialization are numorology, vastu sastra, face reading, matchmaking, kp astrology. He started his career as an astrologer when he was just 19 years old. He believes that astrology is a combination of science and mathmetics that guides a person with vision that enables them to choose the right path of life. He provides geniuine predictions and effective remedies for batterment of his clients. He feels inner peace by helping her clients achieve their goals and aspirations. He has a huge client base spread across the country and it is his aim to reach out to more and more people and help them accomplish all their goals in life. He also provides timings for auspicious occasions such as wedding,house warming and naming ceremonies. He complete his study from maharshi vedha bigyan peeth, gajiabad. He spend his childhood there. He awarded as jyotish sagar, jyotish darubramh, jyotish samrat, jyotish parasar, jyotish maharshi and many more for his skill. His special skill is he can say the colour of the dress or the house without see the person or the place only through the kundali analysis. This makes him unique. All of his clients are satisfied with his astrology consultation and counseling as he provides logical and easy counseling to his clients so that they can understand easily. He provides consultation regarding marriage problems, match making, career, love marriage, pre and post marriage counselling, health problems etc. He believes in the satisfaction of his clients so don’t hesitate to ask. His sole intention is to properly guide people in the right direction with the help of astrology.

Offered Services

Astrologer 2 Service(s)
Horoscope Reading
Numerologists 2 Service(s)
Vaastu Shastra
Love Marriage Specialist
Vaastu Shastra
Vaastu Shastra
Face Reader
Face Reader 1 Service(s)
Pooja Hawan

“Surya narayan panda” Answers

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