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बजरंग बाण (Bajrang Baan In Hindi)

बजरंग बाण (Bajrang Baan In Hindi)

  • July 19, 2023
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“Bajrang Baan” is a revered hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, a prominent deity in Hindu mythology known for his unwavering devotion, immense strength, and boundless courage. Composed with profound poetic finesse, the Bajrang Baan encapsulates the magnificence of Lord Hanuman and his significance in the hearts of millions of devotees.

This sacred chant holds a special place in Hindu spirituality due to its inherent potency and profound impact on the lives of those who recite it with devout sincerity. The Bajrang Baan is believed to possess extraordinary power, making it a powerful tool to overcome obstacles, dispel negativity, and seek divine protection.

Devotees often turn to the Bajrang Baan when facing challenging circumstances or seeking solace from the trials of life. It is revered for its potential to remove impediments and adversities, inspiring strength, and fostering resilience in the face of challenges.

The hymn’s verses glorify the heroic exploits of Lord Hanuman, his loyalty to Lord Rama, and his unmatched valiance in vanquishing malevolent forces. Reciting the Bajrang Baan instills a deep sense of devotion, evoking a spiritual connection with the compassionate and benevolent deity.

Beyond its protective and fortifying aspects, the Bajrang Baan is also cherished for its ability to promote inner peace, dispel fear, and awaken a sense of purpose and courage within devotees. Its melodic and rhythmic composition adds to its allure, elevating the spiritual experience for those who chant it with reverence and fervor.

bajrang baan

॥ दोहा॥

निश्चय प्रेम प्रतीत ते, विनय करें सनमान ।
तेहि के कारज सकल शुभ, सिद्ध करैं हनुमान ॥

॥ चौपाई ॥

जय हनुमंत संत हितकारी ।

सुन लीजै प्रभु अरज हमारी ॥०१॥

जन के काज विलम्ब न कीजै ।
आतुर दौरि महा सुख दीजै ॥०२॥

जैसे कूदि सिन्धु वहि पारा ।
सुरसा बद पैठि विस्तारा ॥०३॥

आगे जाई लंकिनी रोका ।
मारेहु लात गई सुर लोका ॥०४॥

जाय विभीषण को सुख दीन्हा ।
सीता निरखि परम पद लीन्हा ॥०५॥

बाग उजारी सिंधु महं बोरा ।
अति आतुर यम कातर तोरा ॥०६॥

अक्षय कुमार मारि संहारा ।
लूम लपेट लंक को जारा ॥०७॥

लाह समान लंक जरि गई ।
जय जय धुनि सुर पुर महं भई ॥०८॥

अब विलम्ब केहि कारण स्वामी ।
कृपा करहु उर अन्तर्यामी ॥०९॥

जय जय लक्ष्मण प्राण के दाता ।
आतुर होय दुख हरहु निपाता ॥१०॥

जै गिरिधर जै जै सुखसागर ।
सुर समूह समरथ भटनागर ॥११॥

ॐ हनु हनु हनु हनु हनुमन्त हठीले।

बैरिहिं मारू बज्र की कीले ॥१२॥

गदा बज्र लै बैरिहिं मारो ।
महाराज प्रभु दास उबारो ॥१३॥

ॐ कार हुंकार महाप्रभु धावो ।
बज्र गदा हनु विलम्ब न लावो ॥१४॥

ॐ ह्नीं ह्नीं ह्नीं हनुमंत कपीसा ।
ॐ हुं हुं हुं हनु अरि उर शीशा ॥१५॥

सत्य होहु हरि शपथ पाय के ।
रामदूत धरु मारु धाय के ॥१६॥

जय जय जय हनुमंत अगाधा ।
दु:ख पावत जन केहि अपराधा ॥१७॥

पूजा जप तप नेम अचारा।
नहिं जानत कछु दास तुम्हारा ॥१८॥

वन उपवन, मग गिरि गृह माहीं ।
तुम्हरे बल हम डरपत नाहीं ॥१९॥

पांय परों कर जोरि मनावौं ।
यहि अवसर अब केहि गोहरावौं ॥२०॥

जय अंजनि कुमार बलवन्ता ।
शंकर सुवन वीर हनुमंता ॥२१॥

बदन कराल काल कुल घालक ।
राम सहाय सदा प्रति पालक ॥२२॥

भूत प्रेत पिशाच निशाचर ।
अग्नि बेताल काल मारी मर ॥२३॥

इन्हें मारु तोहिं शपथ राम की ।
राखु नाथ मरजाद नाम की ॥२४॥

जनकसुता हरि दास कहावौ ।
ताकी शपथ विलम्ब न लावो ॥२५॥

जय जय जय धुनि होत अकाशा ।
सुमिरत होत दुसह दुःख नाशा ॥२६॥

चरण शरण कर जोरि मनावौ ।
यहि अवसर अब केहि गौहरावौं ॥२७॥

उठु उठु चलु तोहिं राम दुहाई ।
पांय परौं कर जोरि मनाई ॥२८॥

ॐ चं चं चं चं चपल चलंता ।
ॐ हनु हनु हनु हनु हनुमंता ॥२९॥

ॐ हं हं हांक देत कपि चंचल ।
ॐ सं सं सहमि पराने खल दल ॥३०॥

अपने जन को तुरत उबारो ।
सुमिरत होय आनन्द हमारो ॥३१॥

यह बजरंग बाण जेहि मारै ।
ताहि कहो फिर कौन उबारै ॥३२॥

पाठ करै बजरंग बाण की ।
हनुमत रक्षा करैं प्राण की ॥३३॥

यह बजरंग बाण जो जापै ।
तेहि ते भूत प्रेत सब कांपे ॥३४॥

धूप देय अरु जपै हमेशा ।
ताके तन नहिं रहै कलेशा ॥३५॥

॥ दोहा ॥

प्रेम प्रतीतहि कपि भजै, सदा धरैं उर ध्यान ।
तेहि के कारज सकल शुभ, सिद्घ करैं हनुमान ॥

The benefits of bajrang baan

The Bajrang Baan is a powerful hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, and it is believed to have several benefits for those who recite it with devotion and sincerity. Here are some of the potential benefits associated with chanting the Bajrang Baan:

Overcoming Obstacles: Bajrang Baan is known for its ability to remove obstacles and difficulties from one’s life. It is believed that regular recitation of this hymn can help individuals overcome various challenges and hurdles they may encounter.

Protection from Evil Forces: Lord Hanuman is considered the vanquisher of evil forces and negativity. Chanting the Bajrang Baan is believed to offer protection from negative energies, malevolent spirits, and evil influences.

Increased Courage and Strength: The hymn glorifies Lord Hanuman’s immense courage and strength. By reciting the Bajrang Baan, devotees seek to imbibe these qualities and find courage and inner strength to face life’s adversities.

Devotional Connection: Chanting the Bajrang Baan fosters a deep sense of devotion and connection with Lord Hanuman. It allows devotees to express their love, reverence, and faith in him.

Fulfillment of Desires: It is believed that sincere devotion to Lord Hanuman through the Bajrang Baan can lead to the fulfillment of one’s legitimate desires and wishes.

Protection during Travel: Lord Hanuman is also considered the guardian of travelers. Reciting the Bajrang Baan before embarking on a journey is believed to provide protection and ensure a safe trip.

Mental Peace and Calm: The recitation of the Bajrang Baan can have a soothing and calming effect on the mind. It helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting mental peace.

Spiritual Growth: Chanting the Bajrang Baan with devotion can lead to spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of oneself and the divine.

It is essential to remember that the true benefits of chanting the Bajrang Baan lie in sincere devotion, faith, and a pure heart. Devotees should approach the recitation with humility and respect, seeking the blessings and grace of Lord Hanuman.

Recommendations to read:

Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi

Hanuman Aarti Lyrics in English

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