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Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra of Maharshi Parasara, Vol. I & II


Publisher ‏Rajan Publications 2010th edition Language ‏English Hardcover ‏ ‎ 1042 pages Item Weight ‎1 kg 370 g Dimensions ‏  22.23 x 14.61 x 6.6 cm

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Vedic Astrology, like all other branches of Vedic knowledge, aims to improve human well-being by alleviating suffering. Sage Parasara (one of those famous eighteen sages like Narada, Vashishta, Jaimini, and others) produced Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, an encyclopedia treatise on the principles of Vedic Astrology (BPHS in brief). As the title suggests, the text covers the fundamental principles of Vedic Astrology in depth. It primarily concerns the definition of life from conception to death, with the cardinal underlying principals being those celestial conditions at birth that impact the pattern of human life as a whole.


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