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Vedic Remedies in Astrology


Most comprehensive book of its kind in Vedic Astrology. Various case studies including the personal research of the author in determining the number of letters in the mantra etc, will help in developing expertise by teaching how to systematically work on a horoscope.

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INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK For the first time, a book on Vedic Astrology not only brings together the numerous sorts of remedial measures found in ancient texts, but also demonstrates how to interpret a horoscope and prescribe Vedic Remedies. The author describes how corrective procedures are classified based on Guna (Nature) and warns the astrologer about the dangers of black magic and other forms of dark tantricism, which would only damage his positive karma. Mantra Shastra, a scientific study of phonemes, has been discussed in great length, with example calculations demonstrating the importance of selecting the perfect mantra.

A compendium of Mantra serves as a handy reference for expert Vedic astrologers, and a full chapter on Gemology, complete with ready-to-use reference tables, aids the reader in selecting the appropriate gemstone. Many doubts that a reader is likely to have are answered in the FAQ. The esoteric understanding of the syllables and the everyday practise of personal spiritual discipline have combined to make this the most comprehensive book of its kind in Vedic Astrology.


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