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Excalits Products Natural Loud Blowing Shankh/Conch for Pooja


  • The Most Reliable Religious Brand
  • Shankh that is naturally blowing
  • Exercising Your Breathing
  • Back Pain Can Be Relieved by Blowing Shankh
  • Its sound clears negative energy from the home and workplace.

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Shankha has a specific significance in Hindu culture. Various forms of Shankha are commonly seen in Hindu rites and festivities. Shankhas are revered in the spiritual world, but they also hold a significant place in Ayurveda. Shankha has been utilised in Ayurveda to treat a variety of symptoms and disorders. A Shankha is the natural cover of a species found in the water called Turbinella pyrum. When these animals mature, their natural calcium layer defends them from outside threats, and their heavy weight provides stability in the turbulence of marine water.Shankha is one of the 14 gems (ratna) that Samundra Manthan has given him (churning sea). In the Vedas, it is a symbol of victory. The sound of Shankha being blown gives the sound ‘OM.’ In the Ocean, there are many different forms of shankha, but they can mostly be divided into two categories: Dakshinavarti and Vamavarti. The Dakshinavarti shankha, which opens from the right side, is extremely rare and is usually used for puja. These Shankhas aren’t meant to be used for blowing. Vamavarti shankha, on the other hand, are mostly utilised for blowing in religious occasions. Shankhas open from the left side. Vamavarti Shankha is blown by astrologers and priests to dispel negative energy and Vastu Doshas.


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