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Plusvalue copper Vastu Pyramid Yantra


  • Copper Vastu Pyramid Yantra
  • Size 3.6-inch , ( L x W x H ) – 9 x 9 x 7.5cm approx
  • Use of pyramid is a practical art to harmonize-mind, body and spirit with the environment
  • Weight 70gms approx

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Vastu Pyramid Yantra in Copper

The use of a pyramid is a practical technique that allows the mind, body, and spirit to harmonise with the surroundings.

You may acquire health, happiness, and riches simply by installing copper pyramids in strategic spots.

Copper is the material of choice.

3.6 inches in length

The Copper Vastu Pyramid has the following items:

1. Yantra of Mahalaxmi

2. Yantra of Shree Ganesh

3. Yantra of Shree

4. Yantra of Shri Kuber

Copper pyramids have been found to be more effective and result oriented by Vastu and Pyramid specialists all over the world. Copper is used in the pyramid to increase its potency and produce wonderful outcomes. Because yantras are more effective when constructed of copper, the pyramid built of copper has been discovered to be extremely useful.)

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