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Aarti Krishna Bhagwan Ki

Aarti Krishna Bhagwan Ki

  • July 12, 2023

Aarti Krishna Bhagwan Ki

Aarti Krishna Bhagwan Ki” is a devotional practice in Hinduism that involves the singing and recitation of hymns and prayers in praise of Lord Krishna. Aarti is a Sanskrit word that translates to “ritual of offering light,” and it is a significant part of Hindu religious ceremonies.

During the Aarti Krishna Bhagwan Ki, devotees gather in temples or homes, usually in the evening or early morning, to perform this ritual. The Aarti is performed using a brass plate or a tray containing a lit lamp or candle, incense sticks, and various offerings such as flowers, fruits, and sweets. The devotees sing devotional songs, bhajans, and recite prayers expressing their love, devotion, and reverence for Lord Krishna.

The lyrics of the Aarti Krishna Bhagwan Ki are typically composed in praise of Lord Krishna, highlighting his divine qualities, playful nature, and his role as the Supreme God. The atmosphere during the Aarti is filled with devotion, joy, and a sense of spiritual connection to Lord Krishna.

Aarti Krishna Bhagwan Ki is not only a means to express devotion but also a way to seek the blessings and grace of Lord Krishna. It is believed that participating in this ritual with a pure heart and sincere devotion brings spiritual upliftment, inner peace, and fulfillment.

Overall, Aarti shri Krishna Bhagwan Ki is a cherished devotional practice that allows devotees to express their love and devotion for Lord Krishna through prayers, songs, and the offering of light. It serves as a means to connect with the divine and seek the blessings of Lord Krishna for a harmonious and fulfilling life.

श्री कृष्ण जी की आरती | Shri Krishna Ji Ki Aarti

आरती कुंजबिहारी की, श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥
आरती कुंजबिहारी की, श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥
गले में बैजंती माला, बजावै मुरली मधुर बाला ।
श्रवण में कुण्डल झलकाला, नंद के आनंद नंदलाला ॥

गगन सम अंग कांति काली, राधिका चमक रही आली ।
लतन में ठाढ़े बनमाली भ्रमर सी अलक, कस्तूरी तिलक ॥
चंद्र सी झलक, ललित छवि श्यामा प्यारी की ।
श्री गिरिधर कृष्णमुरारी की, आरती कुंजबिहारी की ॥

कनकमय मोर मुकुट बिलसै, देवता दरसन को तरसैं ।
गगन सों सुमन रासि बरसै, बजे मुरचंग ॥
मधुर मिरदंग ग्वालिन संग, अतुल रति गोप कुमारी की ।
श्री गिरिधर कृष्णमुरारी की, आरती कुंजबिहारी की ॥

जहां ते प्रकट भई गंगा, सकल मन हारिणि श्री गंगा ।
स्मरन ते होत मोह भंगा, बसी शिव सीस ॥
जटा के बीच, हरै अघ कीच, चरन छवि श्रीबनवारी की ।
श्री गिरिधर कृष्णमुरारी की, आरती कुंजबिहारी की ॥

चमकती उज्ज्वल तट रेनू, बज रही वृंदावन बेनू ।
चहुं दिसि गोपि ग्वाल धेनू, हंसत मृदु मंद ॥
चांदनी चंद, कटत भव फंद, टेर सुन दीन दुखारी की ।
श्री गिरिधर कृष्णमुरारी की, आरती कुंजबिहारी की ॥

आरती कुंजबिहारी की, श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥
आरती कुंजबिहारी की, श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥

॥ इति श्री कृष्ण आरती संपूर्णम् ॥

Recommendations to read:

Ganesh Ji Ki Aarti -श्री गणेश जी की आरती – Ganesh Ji Ki Aarti Lyrics

Tulsi Mata Ki Aarti | तुलसी माता की आरती | Tulsi Mata Ki Aarti Lyrics

Shani Dev Maharaj Aarti Lyrics

Maa Durga Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi and English 

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