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VĀSTU: Breathing Life into Space Paperback


Robert E. Svoboda’s Vāstu: Breathing Life into Space addresses the classical Indian art (or science) of architectural form, Vāstu, in a wholly unique way. Instead of presenting lists of rules and architectural principles to which builders and interior designers must scrupulously adhere at all times, the work sensitizes the reader to the dynamics of space, alignment, and form in ever-expanding orbits of individual life. The book allows readers and home builders to understand the complex dynamics of

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ROBERT E. SVOBODA is the first westerner to graduate from an Ayurvedic college and be licenced to practise Ayurvedic medicine in India. His instructor, the AghoriVimalananda, taught him Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotisha, Tantra, and other types of classical Indian learning, and he is the author of more than a dozen volumes.


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